An Introduction to Myn Travels and Adventures.

It pleaseth me to introduce thou to my journal of adventure and excytement in myn travels of World of Warcraft. I shall informe ye of beasts in syze that ye could bear notte to see, and thyngs that may haunt thy very soul.

Ye be warned of thy perille and the choice to continue yf you wish be on your head

An Moste Ynteresting Thynge  

Posted by Unknown in ,

Todaye I was moste soreley vexed, I cast myne moste poweful spelle ande yet thee beaste evaded wythe great dexterity. Eyven strangere thye beate didde notte seeke to harme me after I infrynged Uponne hym. Thyse evente troubles me greatly, am I that weake in thyse land, ore are yts monsteres fooles ofe hygh order?

Todaye I also sawe a Warloke, whom I tolde to reforme his ways. He introduced me too hys fiende Shara, she yst prettey as a royale princesse, I shalle proposee to wedd her todaye,

This entry was posted on Monday 14 April 2008 at 04:33 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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