An Introduction to Myn Travels and Adventures.

It pleaseth me to introduce thou to my journal of adventure and excytement in myn travels of World of Warcraft. I shall informe ye of beasts in syze that ye could bear notte to see, and thyngs that may haunt thy very soul.

Ye be warned of thy perille and the choice to continue yf you wish be on your head

Return to the Isle of Sunwell.  

Posted by Unknown in , , ,

I wast most shocked upon returning to myne fyne city of stormwinde to fynde a night elfe of great beauty dancing upon a fountaine of tremendouse hyghte. Shye was clad yne the barest of garmentes. I wath entranced by her dance of seduction fore some tyme, but had to departe as I hath become hard of minde that I shalle returne to Sunwell Isle.

I hath decided to returne upon the Sunwell Isle after worde of weapons of great repute available for myne adventure reached myne ears. Upon reaching myne goal I met upon a man who said he would build a great anvile wythe iron ore from thee vile water creatures to the east. Wythe zeal I travelled to the shores and defeated many of thee amphibiouse swyne, I stole thee ore ande returned wyth myne noble prize.

Thee armourer took my ore and said, thanken you kynd sir, thee anvyl will sone be complyte ane you wyle be able too make youre wares. To whit I repliede 'but I am a bastarde alchemist'

Oh howe he laughed, what a foole am I.

In recompense he offerede me some golde and offerede me more if I coulde bringe more of thys fyne ore. I replied wythe a hearty yes, for my purse is sorely empty after I spent tyme in thee taverns of stormwind, I thynk thee night elfe sparse of clothes did theive some pence from myne pocket after I saw her that nyght.

Do not aske questions aboute that afaire, When I removed her garments my heart filled wythe terror whene I found that shee wase notte infact ofe the female kinde. howe shocked I wase to discovere this swyne had posede as a female.

I doo not understande thee mindes of humanes, there are somme depthes I dare notte tread. I ma fortuitous that I escaped from that affair ande am now steadfast in resolutione to be warey of thee female kind in this worlde.

This entry was posted on Monday 14 April 2008 at 06:35 and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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