An Introduction to Myn Travels and Adventures.

It pleaseth me to introduce thou to my journal of adventure and excytement in myn travels of World of Warcraft. I shall informe ye of beasts in syze that ye could bear notte to see, and thyngs that may haunt thy very soul.

Ye be warned of thy perille and the choice to continue yf you wish be on your head

I Haste Been Conned by Myne Lord!  

Posted by Unknown in , ,

It was a fyne day todaye when I was strolling through thee woode. As I wente past a vaste shrub 2 score of beaste jumped out upone me.

Haha! I thought, For knowest not these beastes that I had Learned a spelle of masse power from a Master Prieste.

Withe great zeal I caste Holy Nova, a spelle so powerfulle it promised to bothe heal myneself and destroy myne enemy.

Tenne of my lords secondes later I laye upon the grounde as exhaustede as a whore in thee fabled city of Amster-Damned at three in thyne morninge. My strengthe had beene drained ande my mana lay wasted as the beasts around me stood unharmed.

Oh woe I shouted, Whate Powerfulle Being woulde forsake me withe this shyte. as the beastes jumped upone me.

Thynges woulde notte have fared well for me that nyghte had it not been for a huntere who wase in the vicinitee of myselfe. Wythe a hefte of hys bow he sente a barrage of arrows towards myn enemy. In seconds these beasts were slain.

I am beginninge to think thee priestly wayes are not as powerfulle as I was lead to belyve.

This entry was posted on Tuesday 15 April 2008 at 04:55 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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